About 12 years ago, I started to learn programming with Java and C#. Both languages are type-safe and have therefore a great support when using an IDE like Eclipse, IntelliJ or Visual Studio. But t...
Why should I install TensorFlow from Source?
There are various ways to install TensorFlow. For instance, you can install it using a Docker image or Python’s package manager pip. But since the version 1.0 release of TensorFlow, you probably mi...
Python + Matplotlib = Must Have on Your System
In the last few weeks, I had to visualize some data from time to time. And for me, it turned out that the Python library Matplotlib is one of the best tools to do some quick plots. I cannot imagine...
Deep Learning Meetup 2017 Q1 in Munich
I could check out another deep learning meetup. This time it was hosted at Google’s Isar Valley here in Munich. The three interesting walks were about the following topics: Visual Sentiment Ana...
Intel AI Days 2017 in Munich
I had the pleasure to check out Intel’s first AI days in Europe. At ICM in Munich, Intel presented their latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in both hardware and softwa...
UWPCore - A Development Acceleration Framework for the Universal Windows Platform
Since it has proven stability and reliability in two successful Windows 10 project for more than a year, we thought about to open source our service-driven framework. Even when it has not reached ...
TensorLight - A High-Level Framework for TensorFlow Projects
In the course of the development of my Master’s Thesis “Deep Learning Approaches to Predict Future Frames in Videos” at TUM, I realized that the high flexibility of TensorFlow has its price: boiler...
Master's Thesis - Deep Learning Approaches to Predict Future Frames in Videos
I finally finished my Master’s Thesis in the Computer Vision chair at TUM. In the course of this thesis, I analyzed existing deep learning approaches to predict future frames in videos. Based on th...
Action Note Video Reviews
I realized there are at least two video reviews of Action Note out there already. Of couse, I don’t want to withhold them from you. The first video was already released about 3 months ago. Consequ...
Bug in ComboBox of UWP Apps when using Custom Styles
I’m investigating a weird issue for some of my app users since a while already, which I’m not able to reproduce on my PC, Surface tablet or Lumia phones. However, in the reviews of my Action Note a...