Benjamin Kan

Retrospective on 6 Years of Windows App Development

This article is a follow-up on previous posts about reaching individual milestones on my journey as an Indie Window App Developer: 100k Downloads in Windows Phone Store — 05/2013 250k Downloa...

Apache Kafka and the Page Cache

At Instana, we use Apache Kafka as our distributed event streaming platform. Due to the growing adoption of the product, the amount of data flowing through our Kafka brokers more than doubled compa...

Resolve Read-only Device Access

On your MacBook (or Linux based device), external devices such as hard drives or SD cards might be mounted by default as read-only. This could be due to different reasons, such as enforced by a dev...

Record Your Terminal With Terminalizer

Did you ever want to demo a terminal program or remotely explain a sequence of commands to a friend or colleague? If so, then terminalizer is a tool for you… Example recording with terminalizer ...

Quick Data Visualization in Python

In in previous post, I wrote about Matplotlib as a must have tool on your system to do interactive data visualization in an instant. Today, I worked on a playground project called b3nk4n/quick-da...

Sharing Command-line Options in Python Argparse

This is probably no big news that argparse makes it easy to write user-friendly command-line interfaces. It comes out-of-the-box and is therefore the standard tool if you create a CLI tool in Pytho...

Manage Your Java Environment

In case you are familiar with Pyhon, I guess you also have heard of virtualenv. This is a tool to create isolated Python environments, which lets you easily create or switch projects between Python...

Benchmarking TensorFlow Performance on eGPU

In the last post, I wrote about how to setup an eGPU on Ubuntu to get started with TensorFlow. I shortly mentioned that a eGPU is definitely worth it for Machine Learning, but I did not tell any nu...

How to Setup an eGPU on Ubuntu for TensorFlow

I remember when I read about eGPUs for the first time. The symbiosis of having a light weight laptop at university or on the go, but still having a desktop like power horse when having some spare-...

Find your model's optimal hyperparameters with Hyperopt

While checking out some tools for automated hyperparameter optimization, I came across a quite popular library called Hyperopt. It provides an implementation for Random Search and Tree-of-Parzen-Es...