Home Deep Learning Meetup 2017 Q1 in Munich

Deep Learning Meetup 2017 Q1 in Munich

I could check out another deep learning meetup. This time it was hosted at Google’s Isar Valley here in Munich. The three interesting walks were about the following topics:

  • Visual Sentiment Analysis with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (by Dr. Damien Borth, DFKI)
  • Strategies for AI Deployment (by Henrik Klagges, TNG Consulting GmbH)
  • DGX-1 and SATURNV: The World’s Most Efficient Supercomputer for AI and DL (by Ralph Hinsche, Nvidia)

In the third talk of Nvidia, we were also able to hold a test sample of the latest Tesla P100 in our hands, which is one of the building blocks of Nvidia’s deep learning super computers called DGX-1. This is a nice super toy that every AI-researcher would like to have under the Christmas tree. Unfortunately, a single device costs more than 100.000 USD.

Nvidia DGX-1 Holding a Nvidia DGX-1 in my hands

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